Abandonment appears in the ship insurance contract of marine insurance first. 委付最初出现于海上保险中的船舶保险合同中。
Marine Insurance is an ancient system of Insurance, Insurable Interest, constituting the main condition of the contract of Marine Insurance. 海上保险是一种迂腐的保险制度,可保优点在海上保险制度中饰演着紧张的脚色,它是组成海上保险条约的重要条件。
What risk is covered by a fpa policy? The insurer under a contract of marine insurance has an insurable interest in his risk, and may re-insure in respect of it. 海上保险合同中的保险人对其承保的风险有保险利益,并可将有关风险再保险。
A contract of marine insurance is deemed to be concluded when the proposal of the assured is accepted by the insurer, whether the policy be then issued or not; 为表明保险人何时接受投保申请,得参考承保条或暂保单或其他签订合同时惯有的备忘录。
P& I contract as a special kind of marine insurance contract that the mutuality is its base and spirit. 保赔保险合同作为一类特殊的海上保险合同,相互性是其基础和灵魂。
And the purpose of this contract of marine insurance is to save it from damage. 海上保险合同的目的就是为其保全提供保障。
The validity of marine insurance contract is a very important problem on the legal system of marine insurance, and it could have influence on the interests of the parties of contract obviously. 海上保险合同效力问题是海上保险合同制度的一个核心问题,对海上保险合同目的实现具有至关重要的影响,直接关系到合同双方当事人的切身利益。
Contract of marine insurance is a type of contract of indemnity, but not a perfect contract of indemnity. 海上保险合同是一种补偿合同,但并非完全的补偿合同。
Inquires into the insurable interest of several representative types of marine insurance contracts, including contract of marine insurance for Hulls, for the Carriage of Goods by Sea, for Freights, for Interests of Ship's Mortgagees and for Liability; 对几种典型海上保险合同,包括船舶保险合同、海上货物运输保险合同、运费保险合同、船舶抵押权人利益保险合同及责任保险合同中的保险利益问题进行了探讨;
Being a branch of contract, marine insurance contract shares the generality of contract. As an important part of marine insurance contract, it is certainly associated, however, has many striking differences with the former. 作为海上保险合同的重要组成部分,它与传统的海上保险合同既有一定的联系,也存在许多显著的差异,因此十分有必要对之单独进行研究,作出法律上的分析。
Rescission of the contract of marine insurance has a huge impact to the interests of both the parties. 海上保险合同的解除对当事人双方的利益有着巨大影响。
Maritime law was enacted before contract law and insurance law, but only contains a few provisions of the rescission of marine insurance contract. 我国《海商法》制定于《合同法》和《保险法》之前,而且对海上保险合同解除的规定仅有数条。